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Weekend spirit

It's been a week of going for training. Yet it feels like I have been doing it for so long. The only thing tiring about it all is the daily commuting to and fro work. I have to wake up so early to get ready and after an hour of traveling I am still not at work. Sleep is really a luxury these days. But at least this is not going to last forever.

Today I had to pull myself out of bed to collect my passport from ICA. As usual, I was late. I've been having to cab to work this entire week and the cab fare with peak hour charge is so not funny.

Anyway point of recording today was that I met this very feisty old man when I was shopping in town just now. Paragon was having a singing performance at their atrium, with a cello, a grand piano and a female singer who looked rather familiar. It was those hotel lounge kinda songs. I was watching the pianist actually, from the second level.

So there came along this old man, with his two walking sticks. He shuffled up right to the front of the stage and started moving to the tune. He even raised his two walking sticks in the air like how people would raise theirs arms when clubbing. It really was quite amusing.

After a while he walked towards the back side of the stage and was trying to get the attention of the musicians inside the barricade by putting one of his walking sticks inside. This went on for the next song. All the time still moving to the music. When the song ended, the singer relented and finally said to the audience, " This cute old man has been very entertaining and he would like to sing a song. So he will be singing a line for the next song." She passed the microphone to him and he said to everyone, " Ladies and gentlemen, I was just walking pass while exercising, you can see my two walking sticks here. In the past, I won 4 Talentimes. I would like to sing a song for everyone, if you think uncle is good, do support me."

The pianist and the cellist started the tune and he sang. He really is good. Everyone clapped for him after he finished his first line. He ended up singing half the song until he decided he had enough fun. He totally lifted the mood of the entire place, everyone who saw were smiling. It is pretty amazing a man at his age is still so positive and high spirited.

After his one minute of fame, with his walking sticks, he walked away from the stage like a super star, smiling and waving to the audience.

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