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Wonky Swiss

Hi! I am at work!

It's still the quiet period of Saturday morning, and as I was reading the headlines, I have came to the conclusion that the Swiss has got some weird thought processes going on there.

Headline No. 1: 

Swiss ask whether animals need lawyers
They are seriously considering if animals can hire lawyers to defend their animal rights. Seriously.

Can you imagine court proceedings??

Swiss animal lawyer: So, Cow, did Farmer Staub forbid you from grazing on the 4th of March at 10am?
Cow: Moo.
Swiss animal lawyer: Cow, during winter, did Farmer Staub also keep you outside in the cold?
Cow: Moo. 

It is ridiculous. Other than the cow's ambiguous response, who is to judge if the animals were being mistreated. It's like back to the whole question of whether crustaceans feel pain, and whether geese feel uncomfortable being force fed.

Not that I am advocating animal cruelty, I love Codee. Just that there needs to be a proper line drawn. Humans can speak for themselves, animals can't. And if you are lower on the food chain, then you can't complain. You just can't, because you get eaten up ANYWAY. Like if you are the most junior in the company, and you get bullied, and if you don't have a proper HR department, you just have to suck it up. 

Headline No. 2:

Swiss government produces extra small condoms for boys as young as 12 yrs old
Hurrah! Sex starter packs for kiddos! Just the perfect ingredient to teenage sex and unwanted pregnancies. Wait, it can't be considered teenage sex even, these boys are hardly teenagers. 

These mini condoms, called 'Hotshot', has a diameter of 4.5 cm as compared to a standard cap's 5.2 cm. They have been produced after a Swiss government research revealed that 12 to 14-year-olds didn't use sufficient protection when having sex.

It seems like it 's the cool thing now to have a mini version of everything. Cornetto Mini, Mini Burgers, M&Ms Mini, Mini Cooper, Mini Condoms, Mini Me.

I think this issue really is a dilemma. To make or not to make? (Both condoms and babies) Make condoms, encourage more underage sex. Don't make condoms, encourage more cases of teenage/kid pregnancies, and unprotected sex.

Quite ironic that this is allowed in Switzerland when the legal age for sex is still 16. =( But the law is not stopping anyone now.

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