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When I grow up, I want to be a fisherman in a kelong.

So I can fish everyday. And sometimes catch a seagull.

Somehow it was easy waking up in the morning at the kelong. This was sunrise at 8am. Waking up to catch fishes is a good incentive.

As weird as it sounds, it is actually quite therapeutic getting your hands dirty when cutting up squids, hooking squid eyeballs onto the hooks, and casting the bait into the sea.

But it also meant that my entire lifetime of whitening products had gone to waste. haha my back is severely sun burnt, and I am a shade darker.

I think this fits perfectly into my retirement plan. =)

1 utterances:

love the title haha! that place looks perfect.

Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:50:00 pm  

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