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brain circuit shock

This was what i spent my national day on. It is something i drew and painted. yes, there are elements of red and white, but it has nothing at all to do with Singapore. This is just an up close shot. i think I'll post the whole picture another time.

School is starting on Monday and i still have not gotten all my modules. But I'm still excited. i know i will be sick of sch after 3 weeks. and you are all allowed to go "i told u so" when that happens.

Just now i was thinking wat i should bring to sch on Mon, which reminds me of how I've been telling kit that i need a new pencil case, and he will give me the "oh please, are u in kindergarten" expression.

He thinks a pencil case is not necessary, because he used to bring only a pen to sch. Both liling and i knew full well what happens when that one pen dies on him.

So, i took his heed and didn't get a new pencil case.

Because i have more than ONE pen.

It's the same case that contained the moving rubber from the launch the other time. i just like it that it is transparent. though i think it will spoil pretty fast like my old see through one.

Anyway, on to something less frivolous, I read an article on Time that psychologists found an explanation to Deja Vu. It is not a sudden recollection of dreams which what a book -"Learn to Dream"- told me, which i went on to tell many people. haha

We all have a gene circuit that regulates pattern separation. Like how the pleasure we feel from drinking coke is quite like that of drinking Sprite, but this gene enables us to distinguish the difference between these two sensation- they are similar but not identical.

Deja Vu, as they discovered is caused by a misfire in this pattern-separation circuit, that causes the new experience that's similar to an older one seems identical.

As for that creepy sense of uncertainty we get when we experience Deja Vu, is due to the conflict that two parts of our brains experienced; one part tells us that this is an entirely new experience while the other thinks it has happened before.

Psychology is so cool. haha

1 utterances:


Wednesday, August 15, 2007 11:07:00 am  

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