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It is quite hard for me to blog about this year's topic, when I myself don't really see climate change as that big a problem. It is just part of the progression of nature, like how the dinosaurs became extinct, the temperature on earth change, and living things adapt, if not they die.

Besides, Earth has already passed the stage of the Ice Age, and the ice melted because the climate changed and Earth got warmer, so isn't it only natural that Earth will continue to get warmer? There were no human technology or influences during the ice age that caused it to become warmer, it just happened.

But I guess what all these global warming blah blah is about trying to slow down the process. Which brings about the question, why would we want to do that?? For 4.5 billion years, nature has done its thing, and earth is getting along fine, is it really right of us to interfer with nature? Maybe Mother Earth is very happy about letting her hair down and melting, who knows.

I do wonder if people really really care about the side effects of polar bears dying, seafood dying, sharks dying? I think all our efforts are only because of selfish reasons, that one day it will be too hot for humans to live. In that case, isn't all about evolution and survival of the fittest?

If we do become extinct then it just means it time to go like the dinosaurs and make way for better species. It is only a matter of time anyway, so I think we should buy as many cars as we can afford, go on as many holidays as we can, and live life the way we want.

If not now, then when?

1 utterances:

I second that! if only i could afford a car..

Sunday, October 18, 2009 12:01:00 am  

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